Our Secondary School
Our European secondary school „Walter-Gropius“ is a completely modernized institution and is also optimized for disabled. It is situated in Saxony-Anhalt and is focused on highly qualified education and results. The main aim of our school is the highest great of general knowledge, leading to the successful passing of the A-level exams. At the moment there are 758 students learning in 29 classes and taught by 49 teachers. A large amount of school clubs or extracurricular activities supports the process.
Close contacts and exchange programmes with our partner schools in Europe, Asia and Africa contribute to the realization of the school profile and of the students` inner-cultural ability. This way they are able to use their foreign languages in real-life situation. We work closely together with different institutions like the Anhaltinische Theater, Bauhaus, the College of Anhalt, which leads to a large variety of projects and cultural events.
Our Secondary school cooperates closely with the job center in Dessau-Roßlau. Consequently we offer the students a huge professional and academic advising helping to choose the right career.
It is important that all work together in the process of educa“ion. The „Walter-Gropius Gymnasium“ has a parents‘ council and an association of sponsors who support the everyday life at school. The many activities at our school like the so called „Lange Nacht der Sterne“ or the „Let’s meet-class 5“ are as popular as our school journal, which is published once a year, or the new homepage.
The school is in many ways an active school with motivated students so that we are well prepared for any future challenges.
Michael Teichert (headmaster)
Selected texts are available in English