Walter Gropius

Our school is named after Walter Gropius, who was born in Berlin on May 18th, 1883. He studied in Munich and Berlin. In 1918 he became the director of the “Kunstgewerbeschule” in Weimar. There he founded the “Bauhaus” in 1919, a college of design and socially orientated architecture and design.
In 1925 Walter Gropius and the “Bauhaus” staff moved to Dessau, where they erected the famous Bauhaus-building. Walter Gropius worked as its headmaster until he resigned in 1928.
Among others, Gropius created the architectural sketches for the “Meisterhäuser” in Dessau, which were built in 1925/26. You can still find the typical functional character of his work in these houses. Later on he worked as an architect in Berlin until he emigrated to London in 1933 and later to the USA. Here he lectured at the “Havard University” and founded his own architectural school. He died in Boston on July 5th ,1969.
Walter Gropius had a deep impact on the history of Dessau and that is why we decided to name our school Walter-Gropius-Gymnasium in 1993.
Selected texts are available in English